Codesign of standards circuits

Codesign of standards circuits

With Atmel Grenoble

  • Conceptual design and developpement of the logic core of AT77C104
    (fingerprint sensor with new digital interface and navigation features)
  • Architecture and design of AT77C109
    (single chip USB fingerchip sensor, with embedded processor)
  • Selection of cores, USB modes, fpga prototyping, support to firmware designers


At a prototype startup, how to switch

FROM « There is a bug. It is not possible to program the flash »

TO « apply the programming protocol as detailed p. 45 of the specification, designed to avoid inadvertent writes »

ARM based SOC

ARM based SOC

From raw customer requirements

  • SOC architecture then detailed specifications of key subsystems (flash, cache, dma, power management…)
  • Dynamic project management (frequent specifications releases for main IC and slaves)
  • FPGA prototyping, firmware development support